280 Stamp Collecting
A: Hi, Mike! Long time no see. What’s up?
B: Hey, John! Fancy meeting you here. Keeping busy?
A: A little bit. Well, someone told me you ve got bunches of good stamps, like a museum.
B: "I do have a lot. I m interested in stamp collecting. I guess it’s actually a part of my life.
A: They cost a lot though. How can you afford?
B: Sornetimes I do have hard time with them. Ive to save every penny. But it’s worthy.
And, when big days such as my birthday or Christmas come, most of my friends give me stamps as gifts.
A: That’ s good. Stamp collecting is also a long-term invest-ment.
The price keeps going up. You can earn a lot by bring-ing them to the market.
B: I’m afraid not. For me stamp collecting is merely a hobby, a personal fondness.
I’d be sad if I’d ever have to sell them.
A: I can imagine. Keeping a hobby is like having a friend, both enjoyable and rewarding.
You get great pleasure by attending to them.
B: I couldn t agree more!
A: By the way, have you ever been to other countries?
B: Not yet.
A: Then how do those foreign stamps come from?
B: Well, Ive some friends studying abroad. They send me some at times.
A: I see. My friends travel a lot every year. If you like I could ask them to help you with that.
B: That would be too good if it’s not trouble for them.
A: Not at all.
B: Now I’m heading for the post-office.
I heard a new set of stamps are for sale for the world cup. Would you like to go with me?
A: I’d love to. But I’ve to meet my friend at 4 o’clock at the airport.
He’s coming back for vacation. Anyway, I’ll call you later.
B: AII right. Then see you soon.
A: See you.
281 Hangzhou Hangs out French Welcome
Hangzhou, capital city of East China’s Zhejiang province,
is trying to spread information about its tourism resources
in France in order to attract more travellers from that country.
It is many French people’s dream to travel in China, a country with a long history,
exotic oriental culture and splendid scenery.
Hangzhou indeed, is one of the must-see places.
One of the country’s major scenic and tourism cities.
Hangzhou has always been seen as a kind of "heaven on the earth."
The city has two national-level scenic areas--West Lake and the Fuchun river,
Xin’an river and Thousand Island Lake Scenic Area;
and two national-level nature reserves--Mount Tianmu and Qingliang Peak.
In addition to being known for its splendid history, culture and scenery,
Hangzhou is also known as "a land of rice and fish," "the hometown of tea and silk" and "a gourmet’ s paradise."
Hangzhou’s food has also long been a favorite among peo-ple from home and abroad,
and one of the reasons why many tourists fall in love with the city.
A number of restaurants such as Zhangshenji have been popular not only in Hangzhou,
but also in Shanghai, Beijing and Nanjing.
A new highlight is the theme parks that have been built in the city,
including Song Dynasty Town
built according to an ancient painting to show the prosperity of the Song Dynasty (960-1219),
Hangzhou Amusement land and Future World.
282 Guidelines for Traveling in the United States
If you want to see the beautiful land of America, you can travel in a jet plane or by train.
It takes you about five hours to fly over the continental United States from the east coast to the west coast;
it takes more than two days to go by train from New York City to Los Angeles.
As the highways and super-highways cross the country, it is better to make a trip in a car.
But it is ex-pensive to own a car in any U.S. city.
The most convenient public transportation of getting from place to place in a city is the bus.
Passengers are required to have the exact change in hand as they board a bus or you may buy "tokens" in advance.
In some cities bus and subway tokens can be used interchangeably.
However, bus fare depends upon distance; the farther you travel, the higher the fare.
Subways are by far quickest way to move around a city.
There are a few warnings that should be observed.
1. Save yourself trouble by buying tokens in quantity if you plan to use subways regularly.
2. Stand near the token booth or with a group of decent-looking people while waiting for a train.
3. Choose to sit in cars where there are other people rather than empty ones.
4. Try to avoid rush hours if you can.
5. Hold your purse firmly and consciously-don’t let it dangle.
We should carry wallets inside not just in hip pockets.
283 Advantages of Travelling
People enjoy taking trips. But what are the reasons they leave home?
One reason is for education.
People travel because they want to broaden their horizons to learn about other people and other places.
They are curious about other cultures.
When peo-ple are tourists, they get a quick look at different ways of living.
Even a short look at another kind of lifestyle is an important les-son.
On a trip people can learn directly by visiting museums and historic spots.
What do a tourist learn who sees the art museum,
visits the historical palaces and scenic spots in Paris and shops a-long the river Seine?
He gets a vivid picture of real life one of the French people has.
He learns about their attitudes: how they feel about business, beauty and history.
What about the tourist who goes to Hongkong?
Does he get the same information that he could get from a book?
He might read that Hong Kong is so crowded that there is less than 200 square meters of space for each person.
But seeing and feeling the lack of space will im-press him much more.
He might read that there are nearly 200 vehicle for every kilometer of the roadway.
But the sight of so many vehicle parked along the roadside will be a much more vivid lesson.
The tourists to Hong kong will never forget the contrasts-the straight vertical lines of the tall modem buildings
and the modern lines of boats that people live in.
284 When A Bear Is in Our Tent
Our family is trying to decide where to go for our vacation this summer.
Our son Tom wants to go to Yellow Stone Park a-gain to see the bears,
we did that last summer, and what an ex-perience it was!
When we got there we put up our tent and wenl to explore.
As we returned, we heard our daughter Susie cry out and then we saw a bear enter our tent.
Tom wanted his father to chase him away. His father said:
"No, it’s dangerous to chase a bear, and don’t let him chase you."
Susie said:"what shall we do? Maybe we ought to climb a tree."
Tom said:"No, we’ve got to get him out there. He might go to sleep in our tent."
"Maybe we could make him leave it by putting some honey out-side for him to eat."
Susie suggested. Then I said: "How are you going to get the honey." "It’s in the tent."
We watched the bear enter the tent and heard him upset everything inside.
"It’s foolish for us to try to catch him." said my husband "Leave him alone and wait for him to come out."
We waited but the bear stayed inside and we had to sleep in the car.
285 Travelling
Nowadays travelling during holidays has become a fashion in China with the development of economy.
When the demands on food, clothes and some other necessaries of life become far beyond being satisfied,
people have come to spend their extra money on travelling.
Travelling has many advantages.
Firstly, it provides oppor-tunities for people to taste strange food
and to know alien cus-toms that they otherwise would not know.
Secondly, through travelling,
people can broaden their scope of knowledge espe-cially of geography and history.
However, traveling also has some disadvantages.
For example, perilous peaks and furious rapids may endanger travelers’ lives.
Accommodations and bad weather trouble travelers a lot.
On the whole, I think travelling does more good than harm.
These so-called disadvantages,can even be regarded as good conditions
in which travelers can build up both physical strength and willpower.
If both your finance and health permit,
you might as well do some traveling from time to time,
[10:02.02]perhaps an exotic atmosphere and charming seenes can attract you so much that you even forget to return.
[10:10.14]286 Hobbies
[10:13.96]A hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time.
[10:18.48]They watch birds, hunt animals, climb mountains, raise flowers, fish, ski, skate and swim.
[10:26.81]They paint pictures, go to concerts, collect everything from books to butterflies, and from shells to stamps.
[10:35.12]People take up hobbies because these activities offer enjoy-ment, friendship, knowledge and relaxation.
[10:42.69]Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or well, can follow a satisfying hobby.
[10:50.01]Besides, hobbies can help a person’s mental and physical health.
[10:54.60]Doctors have found that hobbies are valuable in helping patients recover from physical or mental illness.
[11:01.60]In early times, most people were too busy making a living to have many hobbies.
[11:07.87]But some persons did enjoy hobbies.
[11:10.43]The ancient Egyptians played games with balls made of wood, and some Greeks and Romans collected things.
[11:17.83]People today have more time than ever before for hobbies.
[11:21.95]Machines and automa-tion have reduced the amount of time they must spend on their jobs.
[11:27.23]Once a famous Canadian doctor wxpressed the value of hob-bies by saying
[11:33.08]"so let’s take up a hobby and be really a happy man !"
[11:36.76]287 A Quiet Life
[11:41.78]When Mr. Finch retired, he bought a small cottage in a seaside village.
[11:47.74]The cottage was built in fifteen eighty-eight, but was in very good condition.
[11:52.83]Mr. Finch was looking forward to a quiet life, but in the summer holidays he got a shock.
[11:59.44]Hundreds of tourists came to the seaside village.
[12:03.15]Mr. Finch’s cottage was the most interesting building in the village and many of the tourists came to see it.
[12:09.78]From morning till night there were tourists outside the cottage.
[12:13.99]They kept looking through windows and many of them even went into Mr. Finch’s garden.
[12:19.66]This was too much for Mr. Finch.
[12:22.84]He decided to drive the unwelcomed visi-tors away, so he put a notice on the window.
[12:28.62]The notice said If you want to satisfy your curiosity, come in and look round.
[12:35.20]Price: ten pence. Mr. Finch was sure that the visitors would stop coming but he was wrong.
[12:42.51]The number of visitors increased and Mr. Finch spent every day showing them round his cottage.
[12:49.02]I came here to retire, not to work as a guide, he complained.
[12:54.30]In the end he sold the cottage and bought a small modem house.
[12:58.58]It is an uninteresting little place and no one wants to see it. But it is certainly quiet and peaceful!
[13:06.02]288 My Favorite Program
[13:11.69]With the living standards of people rising year by year,
[13:15.77]tele-vision is now playing a very important role in people’s lives
[13:20.00]and TV programs have been an essential part of our environment.
[13:24.55]Of many TV programs, news broadcast, sports competition, talk shows are to my liking,
[13:31.99]and my favorite program is "Animal World", which is broadcasted on CCTV.
[13:38.05]In this program, a large quantity of animals are introduced.
[13:43.17]The variety of animals ranges from large to small, and from her-bivore to carnivore.
[13:49.70]There are animals swimming in the water, running on the land and flying in the sky.
[13:55.40]From this program I can also get to know something about the most precious animals in the world.
[14:01.80]For many years I have regarded "Animal World"
[14:05.40]as my fa-vorite TV program because it is both interesting and instructive.
[14:11.15]When the program is on TV,
[14:13.66]it is not only showing some Very beautiful pictures but also telling many new things and what the animals feed on,
[14:21.26]how the butterflies grow up and even how the ants share their work.
[14:25.75]I’m so impressed by this program that I can tell you many things about animals.
[14:31.45]I think it is hard to imagine a world without animals.
[14:36.80]289 Going to a Concert
[14:40.77]Xu Tao: I went to a concert last Saturday night, and I heard the symphony orchestra.
[14:46.47]They played beautifully and I liked them very much.
[14:50.15]Do you like classical music, Emily?
[14:52.55]Emily: Yes, I like it very much. And I also like pop music and Jazz.
[14:58.30]Xu Tao: How about you, Lin Qiang?
[15:01.20]Lin Qiang: I like classical music. And I do enjoy other kinds, such as pop music and pop songs.
[15:07.76]What’s your fa-vorite classical music. Xu Tao?
[15:10.94]Xu Tao: "The Blue Danube" composed by Johann Strauss, Beethoven’s symphony No. 5 and No, 9
[15:18.60]and Tchaikovsky’s "Swan Lake" and "Romeo & Juliet."
[15:22.75]Emily: How about last Saturday’s concert, Xu Tao?
[15:26.49]Xu Tao: Well, it was wonderful. It was presented by the provincial orchestra.
[15:32.18]I heard "The Blue Danube" and "Swan Lake" again. When the concert ended,
[15:35.94]all the audience stood up to give the orchestra a warm applause.
[15:41.71]And we couldn’t tear ourselves away from the music hall.
[15:45.53]Lin Qiang: I heard there will be a concert this Friday evening in our cinema. Do you want to go, Emily?
[15:51.59]Emily: Yes, let’s go.
[15:54.62]290 Arranging Time for a Film
[15:59.50]Li: Hi, Simon, are you doing anything special this coming weekend?
[16:04.65]Simon: No, what do you have in mind?
[16:07.31]Li: I heard there is a film in our university cinema this week-end.
[16:11.23]I wonder whether you’d like to go with me.
[16:13.82]Simon: Great! I’d like to go very much.
[16:16.35]You know, I have been lousy these days and I think I need some relaxation.
[16:21.53]What film are we going to see?
[16:23.51]Li: It’s a Chinese film, The Last Emperor. Do you know the story?
[16:28.24]Simon: Yes. I’ve read this story. It is a long story of Pu Yi.
[16:32.73]But I haven’t seen the film.
[16:34.95]Li: I’m sure you will enjoy it very much.
[16:37.22]You know, the main character is played by a famous Chinese film star Chen Daoming.
[16:43.47]Simon: Fine, l’II go. Let’ s arrange a tirne to see the film.
[16:48.20]Li: There will be three shows, i.e. 5:30 Friday evening,
[16:53.08]8:30 Saturday morning and 5:30 Saturday evening. What time will be appropriate for you?
[16:59.56]Simon: How about 5:30 Friday evening.? I have another appoint-rnent with my friend on Saturday.
[17:05.93]Will you meet me at a quarter past five before the Guest House?
[17:09.98]Li: OK, I’ll wait for you there and then.
[17:12.86]Simon: Thank you, see you later, Bye!
[17:15.52]Li: Bye!
[17:17.17]291 Fresh Ways to Spend Spring Festival
[17:23.59]Spring Festival is a traditional holiday on which Chinese people put great value
[17:29.89]and how to spend it has formed a fixed pattern since its birth: having family reunion, preparing delicious foods,
[17:38.35]letting off firecrackers, and enjoying entertainment of ev-ery kind.
[17:42.61]Yet, compared with these, these years’ Spring Festi-vals have witnessed many changes in the ways people spent them.
[17:49.40]Since the reform and open to the outside world policy began to be implemented,
[17:55.17]people’s pockets have been getting increas-ingly bulged with money,
[17:59.35]which enables them to choose different ways to spend the big holiday.
[18:03.27]More and more people are freed from the heavy burden of preparing foods,
[18:07.87]and tend to have their family reunion dinner at a restaurant, where they entertain them-selves singing and dancing.
[18:14.71]Often people choose to travel, en-joying the natural beauty of different places.
[18:19.86]Moreover, the pop-ularization of telephones in cities has made it a reality for
[18:26.10]more and more people to express greetings without having to leave home.
[18:30.36]And again, a newborn service for mailing and sending flowers is another scene during the festival.
[18:37.15]With the rapid economic growth in China,
[18:40.44]some other fresh ways will surely be created in order to make Spring Festival the most colorful holiday.
[18:48.83]292 The Two-day Weekend
[18:52.80]The Two-day weekend has done a lot of good to college students since it was carried out.
[18:58.76]First, students can have much more leisure time to relax themselves.
[19:03.85]Second, they have more chances to contact with the society by taking a part-time job or going sightseeing.
[19:11.53]Third, they can have enough time for them-selves to review the lessons
[19:16.23]and preview what they will learn next week so as to make their studies more efficient.
[19:21.35]And finally, they can set aside time for various activities such as taking optional courses,
[19:28.22]attending lectures, joining various clubs and doing sci-entific research.
[19:33.39]Every sword has two-blades. Problems do exist during the two day weekend on campus.
[19:40.16]Some students may spend most of the time playing cards, drinking, dating, sleeping,
[19:46.46]thus idling their time and leaving their homework undone.
[19:50.37]Hence the two-day weekend can only add to their laziness and bring nothing useful to them.
[19:56.67]As for me, I will make good use of the time to have a rest and develop my own hobbies,
[20:03.30]such as reading extensively, lis-tening to music and playing pingpang.
[20:08.24]Of course, I won’t forget to finish both my reviewing and previewing the lessons before the new week begins.